Gregorian Chants I for all seasons. - 1 CD-ROM audio (46:06) : audio, Sonoro.

Introt for the first sunday in advent (3:49) -- Introit for the fourth sunsay in advent (3:16) -- Communion trhird sunsay in advent (1:08) -- Introit for the third sunday in advent (4:34) -- Offertory for the fourth sunsay in advent (2:33) -- Hymn for christmas vespers (2:24) -- Introit for the third christmas mass (3:29) -- Alleluia of the third christmas mass (2:59) -- Communion for the feast of the holy confessor (1:14) -- Gradual for the feast of the holy confessor (3:38) -- Offertory for the second sunday after epiphany (1:49) -- Communion for the second sunday after epiphany (1:49) -- Introit for sexagesima sunday (3:37) -- Tract of sexagesima sunday (4:37) -- Communion for the second sunday in lent (1:15) -- Offertory for palm sunday (3:24) -- Gradual for maundy thursday ( 2:58) -- Offertory for maundy thursday (1:33) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Solicita el disco en el Área de Circulación.

Música alemana--Siglo XXI.
Música clásica--Alemania.
Cantos gregorianos.
